Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lose Weight in 2011 - Finally Meet your Weight Loss Goals

The Best Diet/Exercise Programs for 2010-2011

Price: $39.95
Features: Burn the Fat contains everything you need to transform your body in 7 weeks (49 days). This includes the 340 page Burn The Fat guide, lifetime updates to the ebook bonus reports, the How To Measure Your Body Fat guide, the Foods That Burn Fat guide, the Foods That Turn to Fat guide, and The A Food B Food Lecture. Upgrade to the deluxe edition for the best value. Buy Here

Price: $64.50 x2
Features: The 1000 Calorie Challenge gradually teaches you how work your way up to burning 1000 calories per work out session. It starts with easier 300 calorie workouts and gradually picks up the pace until you are losing weight like you never thought you could. It's set up to be beginner friendly, and includes a diet supplement. You only "diet" 3 days per week, and every 7 days you are supposed to indulge all of your cravings for food that you might think is "bad for you". Everything is set up in a way to increase your metabolism and it will stay that way long after the 8-week program.
Buy Here

Price: $47
Features: The foolproof guide to losing weight without feeling like you're "dieting". You will learn how to lose up to 10% of your unwanted body fat in the next month. Learn the foods that will kick your metabolism into high gear, the so-called "healthy" foods that may be keeping you from losing weight, and how to combine certain foods to burn off the pounds.

The Best Diet/Weight Loss Supplements for 2010-2011

Features: Proactol contains a chemical that binds to fat and prevents it from being stored in your body. This prevents up to 28% of the fat you take in from actually making you "fat". Perfect for people who want to lose weight without a strict diet.

Roduve Healthcare Soltuions

Features: Tava Tea is a 100% organic weight loss tea that will help you to lose weight and lower cholestorol. It also aids in digestion, reduces bloating, suppresses appetite, and burns 2.5 times more calories than standard green tea. If you are looking for a safe and natural weight loss supplement for 2011, look no further.

Features: Phen375 is a pharmacy grade weight loss pill that synthesizes hormones and compounds in the body that decrease the body’s ability to store fat and increase the body’s ability to burn stored fat reserves. It increases metabolism, supresses appetite, burns fat, and lets you lose up 3-5 pounds each week.

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